EMBA notice 26 Januaryy
Dear Rider
Welcome to 2014! I had hoped to include everything that needed to be put into this mail, so that I didn’t have to do another one too soon- but reliant on others to get me the data!
1. Group / Guided rides. a. As you probably lnow Durban Green Corridor have taken these over. The list is on the website, as are Ewan’s contact details, If you have any queries, please contact him
b. The Thursday morning Ladies/Retirees ride from Shongweni is still happening, an by all accounts was very well attended this past week and much enjoyed
c. We are trying to get together a list of regular rides which anyone can join. If you have a regular ride, please let us know- info such as time, start/finish venue, contact details etc. We have a lot of riders who don’t have a group that they ride with and as you, know we earnestly encourage riders to ride in groups.
2. Route closure- Durban Dirt Challenge- This is scheduled for 16 February. I will confirm route closures/times in the next mail. For more info : http://www.bactive.com/news/durban_dirt_challenge_info.html
3. Dusi Day Trips
Day 1 of Dusi, Thursday 13th at 06h30, riding a circular route, keeping logistics simple. Approx. 45-50kms, 5-6hrs, meet at Mission Rapid
Day 2 of Dusi, Friday 14th PicknPay Centre in Hillcrest @ 05h30. Ride through the Valley, finishing at Msinsi Resort on Inanda Dam. Approx. 50kms, 6-7hrs, meet at Mugg & Bean,
Day 3 of Dusi, Saturday 15th Adventure Centre on Inanda Dam @ 06h00. Ride to finish at Blue Lagoon. Approx. 35-40kms, 5-6hrs. , meet at Inanda
Cost: R160 per day
There will be a refreshment refueling stop on each day & ice cold Steri Stumpies at the finish
Hydration pack & good repair kit with spare hanger is ESSENTIAL
Detour Trails will provide transfers from the finish back to the start on Day 2 & 3 for 10-12 riders to Fetch cars. Reserved on a first come first serve basis. The rest to make own travel arrangements.
Visit our website for more info or email us to book… [email protected] or www.detourtrails.co.za
4. Route Markings, route clearing and updated maps DGC are working on these and hope to have everything up to standard ASAP. For any queries, Please contact DGC / Ewan
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